Side-by-side refrigerator doors open with a mix of colorful groceries inside

Refrigerator sizes: how to measure fridge dimensions

Finding a refrigerator with convenient features that is also the right size for your kitchen is easier than it sounds. Follow this guide to refrigerator sizes for everything you need to know to assess your space and find the right fridge for your kitchen and your family.

What are standard refrigerator sizes?

Although the average size of a refrigerator varies depending on the type of fridge (bottom freezer, top freezer, French door or side-by-side), standard refrigerator dimensions range from 28¾ to 39¾ inches wide, 61¾ to 71¼ inches tall and 28¾ to 34⅝ inches deep, with depth extending to 45 inches with the refrigerator door fully ajar.

Typically, refrigerator dimensions in cubic feet range from 20 to 25 cu.ft. Learn more about the standard refrigerator sizes for the four types of fridges with our refrigerator sizes chart and information below:

Standard refrigerator sizes for French door, side-by-side and 4 door fridges. Standard refrigerator sizes for French door, side-by-side and 4 door fridges.

French door refrigerator dimensions

The standard size of a Whirlpool® French Door Refrigerator is 29½ to 36 inches wide, 68½ to 70⅛ inches inches tall and 29⅜ to 34⅝ inches deep, with depth extending up to 45 inches deep with the fridge doors opened. These models typically range from 20 to 27 cu. ft. in capacity.

Shop Whirlpool® French Door Fridges

4 Door Refrigerator Dimensions

4 Door Whirlpool® Refrigerators are typically 36 inches wide, 69 ½ to 70 ⅛ inches tall and 28 ⅜ to 36 ⅜ deep. When the doors are open to 90 degrees, the depth extends up to 48 ⅝ inches. Standard capacity on Whirlpool® 4 Door Refrigerators range from 19.4 to 26 cu. ft.3

Shop Whirlpool® 4 Door Fridges

Side-by-side refrigerator dimensions

The average size of a Whirlpool® Side-by-Side Refrigerator is 32¾ to 39¾ inches wide, 65⅞ to 71¼ inches tall and 29¾ to 31⅛ inches deep. The refrigerator depth extends up to 45 inches with the doors ajar. 

The standard capacity ranges from 21 to 28 cu. ft.

Shop Whirlpool® Side-by-Side Fridges

Four door refrigerator in a modern kitchen

Whirlpool® 4 Door Refrigerators

Flexibility for the whole family

Flexible organization spaces make it easy to store your family’s favorites, from frozen meals to healthy snacks

Standard refrigerator sizes for Top Mount and Bottom Mount fridges. Standard refrigerator sizes for Top Mount and Bottom Mount fridges.

Top-freezer refrigerator dimensions

On average, a Whirlpool® Top-Freezer Refrigerator measures 28¾ to 32¾ inches wide, 61¾ to 66¼ inches tall and 28¾ to 34½ inches deep. The depth extends about 27 inches with the door open to 90 degrees.

With standard sizes ranging from 10 to 21 cu. ft., this refrigerator may be ideal for smaller spaces and boasts 4 to 5 cu.ft. of freezer capacity.

Shop Whirlpool® Top-Freezer Fridges

Bottom-freezer refrigerator dimensions

The average size of a Whirlpool® Bottom-Freezer Refrigerator is 29½ to 32¾ inches wide, 67 to 70 inches tall and 33⅜ inches deep, with depth extending to roughly 50 inches with the door ajar.

These models typically range from 12 to 22 cu.ft. with the freezer accounting for roughly ⅓ of the total capacity.

Shop Whirlpool® Bottom-Freezer Fridges


While these are good benchmarks for the average refrigerator size in every type, you should still check your specific refrigerator’s dimensions online or in store.

Side-by-side refrigerator with depth, width and height diagrammed for measurements Side-by-side refrigerator with depth, width and height diagrammed for measurements

How to measure for a new refrigerator

To effectively measure for a new fridge, you will need to determine the refrigerator depth, width and height. Be mindful to account for a few inches of breathing room for proper ventilation, as well as extra space for the refrigerator doors to fully open.

Download this convenient guide to help with your measurements.

What you’ll need:

  • This guide

  • Measuring tape

  • Pencil and paper

French Door refrigerator with the width diagrammed for measurements French Door refrigerator with the width diagrammed for measurements

Step 1: Measure for refrigerator width

Measure from the wall to the counter, cabinet to cabinet or anything that may be on either side of your refrigerator space.

NOTE: If your refrigerator is located next to a wall, leave 2½ inches between the wall and the hinge side of the door so it can swing open.

How wide are refrigerators?

Standard refrigerator width ranges from 28 to 32 inches wide for slim top-freezer and bottom-freezer models, with wider side-by-side and French door fridges extending to 36 inches.

With doors fully ajar, depth may increase to 45 to 50 inches deep.

If you have a counter-depth refrigerator—a fridge that aligns flush with countertops—be mindful that it will likely measure a few inches wider than standard refrigerators.

French Door refrigerator with the height diagrammed for measurements French Door refrigerator with the height diagrammed for measurements

Step 2: Measure for refrigerator height

If you have cabinets above your refrigerator cutout, measure from the floor to the bottom of the cabinets.

How tall are refrigerators?

Standard refrigerator height ranges from 66 to 70 inches tall, with French door and side-by-side models measuring on the taller ends.

Counter-depth refrigerators will also likely measure a few inches taller than standard refrigerators.

Whirlpool® Undercounter Refrigerators are also counter-height and tend to fall on the shorter end at roughly 35 inches tall.

French Door refrigerator with the depth diagrammed for measurements French Door refrigerator with the depth diagrammed for measurements

Step 3: Measure for refrigerator depth

To determine refrigerator depth, measure from the wall to the edge of your countertop. These dimensions should be roughly 24 to 25 inches deep.

For best practices, make sure to record each of the following for the most accurate and comprehensive refrigerator dimensions to ensure the best fit:

  • Depth including fridge doors

  • Depth excluding fridge doors
  • Depth with fridge closed (including handles)
  • Depth with fridge closed (excluding handles)

  • Depth with fridge door open at 90 degrees

  • Depth with fridge door and drawers open

Be mindful to allow at least one inch of extra space between the back of your refrigerator and the wall for proper ventilation. 

Additionally, if you have a kitchen island or are limited on space, measure the area in front of the refrigerator to ensure that the doors and drawers can fully open.

How deep are refrigerators?

Refrigerators are categorized between counter-depth and standard-depth models, with refrigerator depth ranging from 24 to 36 inches deep. 

Counter-depth fridges align with the edges of countertops and measure between 24 to 30 inches deep, whereas standard-depth appliances may extend to 30 to 36 inches.

Despite shallow depth, Whirlpool® Counter Depth Refrigerators are slightly wider and taller than standard-depth models, allowing the appliance to maintain optimal capacity with an average of 22 cu. ft.

Does your kitchen have an island?

Measure the space in front of the refrigerator so doors and drawers can open without getting dinged.

French Door refrigerator with 1/2 inch of space diagrammed on each side for proper placement French Door refrigerator with 1/2 inch of space diagrammed on each side for proper placement

Step 4: Adjust measurements for ventilation space

Now that you have your refrigerator dimensions, add ½ inch on all sides to ensure proper ventilation. This will allow the appliance to cool without overheating.

  • Allow for ½ inch of space on either side of the fridge

  • Allow for ½ inch of space above the fridge

  • Allow for ½ inch of space between the back of the fridge and the wall

Accounting for this extra clearance for proper ventilation is key. Without it, your fridge may consume more energy than necessary and become damaged.

Step 5: Calculate refrigerator capacity in cubic feet

Calculating the cubic foot dimensions of your refrigerator provides an objective picture of its capacity. You can use the length, width and depth measurements of your appliance to simply find this value.

How to calculate refrigerator size in cubic feet

To calculate the cubic feet dimensions of your refrigerator, multiply the length x width x depth. Next, divide that total by 1,728 to determine size in cubic feet.

There are 1,728 inches in one cubic foot.


24 inches wide x 70 inches tall x 24 inches deep ÷ 1,728 inches in a cubic foot = 23.3 cu.ft.

If you have a counter-top refrigerator, you may notice that although its depth is shallower than standard models, the capacity is similar due to taller and wider dimensions.

Diagram of a hallway and rooms with a path mapped out for moving the refrigerator into the kitchen

Step 6: Map out and measure a path for refrigerator delivery

It fits your needs and fits your space, but how is it getting there? From the nearest entrance to your kitchen, measure the width of every hallway and doorway to ensure your new fridge can make it through. 

What size refrigerator do I need?

Your optimal fridge size and style will vary depending on your kitchen space and family needs. As a rule of thumb, 4 to 6 cu. ft. of fridge space per person is sufficient. About 20 cu. ft. of storage is ideal for a family of four, but this depends on how you plan to use your refrigerator’s interior space. Larger families may benefit from a refrigerator with over 25 cu. ft. of storage space.

If you’re looking to maximize your freezer capacity, consider adding an additional freezer to your space. Learn about standalone freezer sizes & dimensions to find the ideal model for your family.

Small refrigerator sizes

Small, apartment-sized refrigerator dimensions tend to be slimmer with a width of 24 inches, yet maintain standard heights of 60 to 75 inches. The common capacity for these models range from 11 to 13 cu. ft. Dorm size or mini-fridges dimensions are usually 4 to 5 cu. ft.

If you are looking for a space-saving appliance that does not sacrifice features such as an ice maker, a small fridge may be right for you.

Shop Whirlpool® Small-Sized Refrigerators

Medium refrigerator sizes

A medium, standard refrigerator size is 24 to 32 inches wide, 66 to 70 inches tall and 29 to 36 inches deep. A medium refrigerator with 20 cu. ft. is ideal for a family of four.

Shop Whirlpool® Mid-Sized Refrigerators

Large refrigerator sizes

Large refrigerator sizes are typically 36 inches wide, more than 70 inches tall, and 33 to 35 inches deep. Capacity can range anywhere from 22 - 28 cu. ft. to accommodate more space for your family’s storage needs.

Shop Whirlpool® Large-Sized Refrigerators

Find your new Whirlpool® Refrigerator

Still shopping for a new refrigerator or planning to move to a new home? With an array of options to suit kitchens of all shapes and sizes, Whirlpool brand can help you find your family’s fit. Learn more about different types of refrigerators or explore the complete fridge collection of Whirlpool. Learn more about finding the right appliances for your kitchen, such as how to measure for the right size of dishwasher.

Explore more from Whirlpool brand

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