Ice maker leaking water: possible causes and fixes
Protecting your floors and refrigerator from a leaky ice maker can be a headache, but finding a solution may be simpler than you think. Use the guide below to troubleshoot your ice maker, discover five possible causes of a refrigerator ice maker leaking water and learn how to address them.
Why is my ice maker leaking water?
An ice maker can leak for a variety of reasons, but most are simple to identify and resolve. From jammed ice clumps and a loose water connection to an unbalanced refrigerator, take a look at the possible causes below and discover potential solutions to a leaky ice maker.

1. Ice jammed in chute
Sometimes ice in the ice bin can clump together, then get stuck in the chute on its way to your glass. As warm air from your kitchen works its way up the chute, the ice may begin to melt and leak water. Use a long plastic or wooden handle to check for jammed ice by sliding the handle up into the shoot and gently moving it from side to side. If the clump is too lodged to release, remove and defrost the ice bin. You may also want to place a towel below the chute as the ice thaws.

2. Loose water connection
Water that accumulates in the bottom of the refrigerator compartment, or behind the fridge, may come from a loosely connected water hose. Check that the hose is secured on both ends. You can reference your user manual for more information on installing your refrigerator’s water line.

3. Unbalanced refrigerator or ice bin
Ice in the ice maker can start to melt from normal temperature fluctuations. An out-of-balance refrigerator or ice bin could cause the water from melted ice to pool in the bin, rather than travel to the drain designed to clear it out. Use a leveler to make sure both your refrigerator and ice maker are level, then adjust them accordingly.

4. Misaligned fill cup
A water spigot fills the ice tray, also known as the fill cup, in your ice maker. If the spigot isn’t aligned with the cup, water may pool on the bottom of the ice maker and leak out before it has a chance to freeze. Inspect your ice maker to make sure the spigot and cup are aligned, referencing your owner’s manual as needed.

5. Defrost drain blockages
Your refrigerator’s defrost drain is typically located at the bottom back of the freezer and is meant to carry away excess condensation or leaks. The drain may be blocked if you notice water puddling in the refrigerator, or leaking through the bottom door seal onto your kitchen floor. Check your user manual to find out where the defrost drain is in your fridge, then inspect and remove blockages like food particles or ice formations.
Why is my ice maker leaking water on the floor?
If you notice water leaking directly from the ice maker, it may stem from ice that’s clogged in the chute. However, if the source of the leak isn’t obvious, then the water may come from a clogged defrost drain, loose water connection or leaky water filter.
Explore Whirlpool® Refrigerators and Ice Makers
Refrigerators and ice makers from Whirlpool brand make it easy to keep the ice you need on hand. Select refrigerators feature a flexible ice bin with a divider that lets you use the entire bin for ice, or save room in the bin for an ice scoop, ice packs or other items like popsicles. Whirlpool® Ice Makers use Clear Ice Technology to remove the air bubbles and impurities that cloud your drink to help you keep beverages fresh.
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